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What We Believe, What To Expect, & FAQ

We believe everyone has a next step in growing in their relationship with Jesus. We want to give you the tools you need to take your next steps on your journey to Know God, Build Relationships, Reflect Jesus, and Make a Difference.
Whether that's publicly declaring your faith in Jesus by getting baptized or leading your first small group, each step is key to growing closer to Jesus and living out the purpose He has for your life.

Know God:
Weekend Services
God wants to know us personally.  More than just practicing religion, He wants a relationship with us.  Our weekend services are where we focus on that relationship.  Whether you're new to faith, have questions, or have been a Christ follower for a long time, our services are a safe place to learn more about what it means to know God and grow closer to Him.

Build Relationships:
Small Groups
One of the ways God designed for us to live in freedom is to have people in our life to help us in the journey.  Connecting with others in Diversity Small Groups is a practical and enjoyable way to find that kind of life-changing community.

Reflect Jesus:
Growth Track
We're all an important part of God's plan, and our life will never make sense until we discover our purpose.  The Diversity Growth Track is designed to help us take steps in the important process of discovering our purpose.  Connect with a Pastor or Elder at Diversity and we will love to walk with you through the steps of the Growth Track to help you discover your God-given purpose!

Love The Lost & Make a Difference
This is God's ultimate plan for our life... to make a difference in the lives of others.  When we do, the Bible tells us we will experience joy.  After completing the Growth Track and identifying your Spiritual Gifts, we hope to connect every person to an opportunity to live out their calling by using those gifts and talents to serve others in the Church and the community.

Statement of Faith:

God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit

We believe in One God who operates in three persons.  We believe that God the Father created the world, sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins, and gave us a comforter through His Holy Spirit.

The Church and it's Mission
Is to reflect the image of Jesus Christ inside and outside the walls of the church building.  The Church is the body of believers who work together to reach the lost and making disciples by sharing the love and grace of Jesus Christ to all the world.  Our mission is to be a light to those in darkness so they too may find the love, peace, and joy of knowing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

The Bible
Is the perfect Word of God that was written by God and penned by man.  Every word written is solid, immovable, and always relevant for every time, place, condition and circumstance.

Christianity isn't a religion, it's a relationship.  It is the life we live in reflection to who Jesus is.

Salvation through Christ
When Jesus died on the cross, He paid it all.  It is through His death and resurrection that we may find the free gift of salvation through Christ by accepting Him into our lives and calling Him Lord and Savior.

Baptism by the Holy Spirit
When you are saved, you have become a new creation where the Holy Spirit dwells in you, through you, and among you.  The same spirit that lived in Jesus now lives in you, giving you the power to overcome evil with good.

Water Baptism 
Is the outward expression to the inner work that Christ has done in your life.  We do this practice after we have accepted Christ into our lives to show the expression of that inner work.

We believe that marriage is a holy ceremony between a man and a woman where the two become one unified whole with Christ in the center of the marriage.

Personal and public evangelism is the duty of all Christians.  It is to express, and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all we come into contact with.  We may not all be called to preach, sing, or be gifted in technology..., but we are called to something that will advance God's Kingdom and help others find Jesus.

Is step two in Evangelism.  After the sharing of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are called to make disciples which means followers of Christ.  Making disciples is the greatest duty of a Christian because it requires the love, grace, and patience of Christ.

What To Expect

  • To be loved and welcomed by the Church.

  • To be inspired by the service to take it outside these walls and be an impact and blessing to those around you.

  • To be motivated by the Word, and develop a closer and more intimate walk with Christ.

  • To be challenged to grow closer to Christ each and every day.


A lot of people are nervous about visiting a new church because... well let's face it, many churches are very different and we kinda like to know what we are about to be getting ourselves into...  So here are a few of the frequently asked questions that might help you and put your mind at ease when checking us out for worship.

1. Does Diversity have a dress code?
No, please dress appropriate but comfortable.  We believe that when God looks at you He is focused on your heart.  He desires a relationship with YOU, not what you have on.

2. Does Diversity have a nursery for babies?
Yes, we have a well equipped nursery department with highly qualified and devoted nursery workers who love the opportunity to care for our babies.

3. Does Diversity have a children's ministry?
Yes, we have a strong children's ministry that believes in laying the foundation to what it means to trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and building a relationship with Him that will last a lifetime.  Our children's ministry leaders are amazing, and have a love for teaching and guiding children to know Jesus.

4. Does Diversity have a youth ministry?
Yes, we believe in lifting up the name of Jesus, and furthering our knowledge of the Word and making it the foundation that our faith is based upon.

5. What should I expect in the worship service on Sunday mornings?
Beginning with the music, we are always bringing in new and powerful songs that inspire, move, and encourage, while also presenting some of the older songs that still resonate in our hearts so well.  During the message, you can expect to be encouraged, lifted, inspired, and motivated in your walk and relationship with Christ.  We then always give everyone a time of "invitation" to come forward and accept Christ into their hearts and be saved.  This is also a great time to come forward and join the church if you feel led to do so.

6. Do I have to be a member of the church to be involved or volunteer?
No, you don't have to be a member of the church to be involved or volunteer.  We appreciate all of our volunteers and encourage everyone to get involved in the area of ministry that God is calling them into.  We do want to encourage our volunteers to become members of our church, but only when they feel comfortable and ready to do so.

7. What are the service times for Diversity Church?

Sunday Small Groups- 9:30AM
Sunday Worship- 10:30AM

Tuesday "Refuge" Small Group 6:30PM
Wednesday Adult Small Groups- 6:30PM
Wednesday Night Youth 6:30PM
Thursday Young Adult's (Graduated HS - 25) 7:00PM

Diversity Church  |  5631 Pavillard Dr.  |  Amarillo, TX. 79108

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